Fruits of the Forest Smoothie

Fruits of the Forest Luxury Smoothie


This is such a quick and easy recipe and tastes absolutely delicious. All you need is one pint glass,  blender and the ingredients.

Serves two

Preparation time: 5 minutes


  • 1/2 pint Frozen Fruits of the Forest (Blackberries, red currents, raspberries, blackcurrants)
  • 1 Vanilla pod (It might not be from our forest, but it is from forest…)
  • 1.5 pints of non-dairy milk (soy milk / almond milk / rice milk) My favourite is almond milk.
  • Sprinkle of dried coconut flakes
  • Sprinkle of walnut pieces to taste


  • Add the frozen fruit, vanilla pod seeds and milk into a good blender (as the fruit is frozen it will need a beating).
  • Blend until smooth (if you berries are really frozen, you may need to add some more milk or water, as it could become more like a sorbet!)
  • Sprinkle your desired amount of dried coconut flakes and walnut pieces on top.

Apple Pie Smoothie

The taste of this smoothie is reminiscent of an apple pie but with the added benefit of super foods and spices for your health!

The smoothie contains ginger and cinnamon which are anti-inflammatory spices with powerful health benefits. They are both an ideal remedy for digestive distress, reducing  gas, bloating and nausea. Cinnamon is good for blood sugar regulation helping you to have stable energy throughout the day.

The smoothie contains two very healthy fats, avocado and walnuts which support the health of your brain.


  • 2 Apples. Pealed and de-cored
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • Handful of Walnuts (or soaked almonds. DO NOT blend unsoaked almonds)
  • 1 and a half cups of almond milk
  • Half a cup of water
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger
  • 1 tbs maple syrup


Banana Avocado Smoothie

This is my favourite breakfast smoothie. Great sorce of vitamins, fats and fills you up, keeping you going until lunch time.  2 minute prep and we’re good to go!

(Wanna know more about bananas? click >> here << for more)

(Want more smoothies? How about a Banana and Raspberry or a Raspberry ‘colada’ ? )

Avocado Smoothie


Who would not want this?!


Ingredients (serves 1)


  • 1 Large frozen banana
  • 1/4 of an avocado (or more if you want to!)
  • 3/4 Cup of soy / almond / rice milk (you can do coconut milk but this will obviously up the fat content.. and the yummy content)


  • Vanilla essence (or pods if you can afford to be fancy)
  • Sprinking of Oats (RECOMMENDED!)



  1. Blend it all.

Iced Banana Coffee (Vegan)

ice banana coffee


After a week of 20 something degrees Celsius, the dream is over. It’s raining, not quiet pouring, and Sophie wishes that she was snoring.

Temperamental weather is not something I am impressed with. England is rainy, I get that, it rains, all the time. But trick me with a week of sun, and choruses of  ‘The summers here’, ‘Grab the sun cream’, ‘I’m wearing shorts!’ and ‘There is an alien invasion going on’, okay the last one is another story for another time, and then take it all away and leave me with the dreariness that is Potsdam today.

Enough of my complains, we have been very lucky to have the sun, and even luckier to have had a week of thee babies:

Iced Banana Coffee’s.


Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 1-2 Bananas (freezer for 30 minutes)
  • 1 of VERY  strong frozen coffee (using granules is fine)
  • 2-3 cup of Soy / Rice / Almond milk (Soy yoghurt too if you have some) Oooo and some coconut milk, I’m getting excited now.
  • Handfuls of ice (or more frozen banana, or other fruit, chunks!)


  1. 1-2 hours before, make 1/2 a cup of VERY  strong coffee, granules is fine, and put in the freezer (I use a wide/long dish to freeze it quicker, cause I am really impatient)
  2. Chop the banana into manageable chunks and freeze them for about 30 minutes
  3. Whack it all in a blender add all the vegan milk (add some soy yoghurt if you’ve got some!) and blllenndddddd
  4. Serve! And make the world jealous.



Virgin Raspberry-Colada!

“If you like Piña Colada…”

This smoothie / cocktail is a perfect drink to make your kids feel grown up and have a tasty, healthy snack that can be whipped up in a matter of minutes. A take on the Piña Colada made out of coconut milk, pinapple juice and white rum, turning it into an alcoholic free beverage for the whole family.

There is a lot of debate to where the famous Piña Colada  comes from. The name literally means ‘strained pinecone’, but ‘strained pineapple’ as a phrase – a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink’s preparation.

Three Puerto Rican bartenders contest the ownership of their national drink.

  1. Ramón ‘Monchito’ Marrero Pérez claims to have first made it at the Caribe Hilton Hotel’s Beachcomber Bar in San Juan on 15 August 1952.
  2. Ricardo García, who also worked at the Caribe, says that it was he who invented the drink,
  3. While Ramón Portas Mingot says he created it in 1963 at the Barrachina Restaurant.

The Drink


Serves 4

  • 1/2 Can Coconut Milk
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Soy Milk (Almond Milk would be a better substitute)
  • 2 – 3 cups Frozen Raspberries
  • Water or Milk till desired consistency

Frozen Grapes!

I first came across frozen grapes when watching a Jamie Oliver program when I was about 13 and it has stuck with me ever since! Jamie paired his with some dark chocolate and a glass of red wine, however, I like eat mine as a snack as is tastes exactly like a sorbet! I know, once again, more of a summer recipe but a girl can dream right?!

There is not so much of a recipe to this, other than it is your decision to decide between red and white grapes! Other than grapes you can freeze any other kind of fruit, I do this mainly to prolong the lovely (and many) raspberries, black berries and strawberries that my allotment produces over the spring, summer and autumn. Furthermore, making a smoothie out of frozen fruit can cut out the ice added in order to make it cold and delicious! To check out some smoothie recipes see more of my blog or just click on the links below!