Apple Pie Smoothie

The taste of this smoothie is reminiscent of an apple pie but with the added benefit of super foods and spices for your health!

The smoothie contains ginger and cinnamon which are anti-inflammatory spices with powerful health benefits. They are both an ideal remedy for digestive distress, reducing  gas, bloating and nausea. Cinnamon is good for blood sugar regulation helping you to have stable energy throughout the day.

The smoothie contains two very healthy fats, avocado and walnuts which support the health of your brain.


  • 2 Apples. Pealed and de-cored
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • Handful of Walnuts (or soaked almonds. DO NOT blend unsoaked almonds)
  • 1 and a half cups of almond milk
  • Half a cup of water
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger
  • 1 tbs maple syrup


Buddha Bowls

The Buddha Bowl is filled with pure simple food and  is all about gratitude and nourishment.

Firstly, it is important to find the perfect bowl, that to you can grow accustomed to to appreciate the food within.  You might even want to use chop sticks for the ‘mood’.

There are four key components to the Buddha Bowl:

  1. Raw Organic Greens
    • (e.g. Kale, Arugula, Watercress, Avocado)
  2. Raw or Steamed Vegetables
    • (e.g. Asparagus, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Butternut Squash)
  3. Vegan Source of Protein
    • (e.g. Garbanzo, Black or Kidney Beans. Quinoa, Brown Rice. Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds )
  4. Dressing the Buddha Bowl
    • This can be as varied from a edible flower arrangement to dressings.
    • (Olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar, Lemon Juice and Sea Salt, Hot Pepper, Garlic and Olive Oil are a few of my favourites)

Pick two from each section and combine. You will soon begin to learn what you do and do not like!

Banana Avocado Smoothie

This is my favourite breakfast smoothie. Great sorce of vitamins, fats and fills you up, keeping you going until lunch time.  2 minute prep and we’re good to go!

(Wanna know more about bananas? click >> here << for more)

(Want more smoothies? How about a Banana and Raspberry or a Raspberry ‘colada’ ? )

Avocado Smoothie


Who would not want this?!


Ingredients (serves 1)


  • 1 Large frozen banana
  • 1/4 of an avocado (or more if you want to!)
  • 3/4 Cup of soy / almond / rice milk (you can do coconut milk but this will obviously up the fat content.. and the yummy content)


  • Vanilla essence (or pods if you can afford to be fancy)
  • Sprinking of Oats (RECOMMENDED!)



  1. Blend it all.