Blackened Salmon with Kale and Asparagus

Blackened Salmon with Kale, Asparagus and Feta


These Salmon filets are dredged in a flavorful spice mixture, cooked to perfection and served over sautéed kale and asparagus. The perfect healthy lunch or dinner – serve over noodles, rice or quinoa, cauliflower rice for Paleo options.

Serves 2

Cooking time: 30 minutes


  • 2 tsps Paprika
  • 1 tsps Dried Parsley
  • 1 tsps Dried Oregano
  • ½ tsps Salt
  • ½ tsps Black Pepper
  • ¼ tsps crushed chilli flakes, optional
  • 2  Salmon Filets
  • 1tbs Olive Oil, divided
  • 2 handfuls of kale
  • 6 pieces of asparagus
  • 2 Oranges
  • 100g Noodles cooked to packaging directions
  • tsp soy sauce
  • Sprinkling of feta


  1. In a bowl, combine the paprika, dried parsley, chilli flakes and oregano with salt and pepper. Press the flesh (topside) of the salmon filets into the spice milk, pressing to make sure they are well coated.
  2. In a medium saucepan, heat half the olive oil until very hot. Add the salmon filets flesh side down and cook for 3 minutes per side. Remove from the skillet and place until the grill at 160 degrees for 10 minutes or until the fish is just cooked through and flaky.
  3. Heat the remaining olive oil in the same pan and add in the kale and asparagus. Season lightly with salt and pepper and stir it around the pan until it begins to wilt. Squeeze the juice of two oranges over the vegetables.
  4. Cook the noodles to package instructions.
  5. Assemble your bowls! Add your base – in this case noodles with a drop of soy sauce; top it with a generous portion of kale and asparagus and then top with a filet of salmon and sprinkle with a generous helping of feta.
  6. Enjoy!

Dance Walking, Phoebe Running and the Will Smith

Running can be fun, you don’t need to do a Rachel ‘shoop shoop shoop’ to do some exercise. Today myself and my friend Evie went for a ‘run’. What started as a normal jog turned into quiet an experience….


1. So, many of you will have seen the original video by Ben Aaron (left) of watching a the dance walking guru master, well…. dance!

But, the nameless dance guru has been found! Say hello to Joesph from Brooklyn (right) (Home place of recent TV comedy Brooklyn nine nine, if you haven’t watched it, well, you should.

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2. Furthermore, if you are like me and my friends, you will also know the classic phoebe (with an e as in ‘ello there mate’) run, and if you don’t what have you been doing?!

3. Anyone can enjoy a Will Smith boogie……

…..especially me.

Get your ideas here.


Lets just say that these three elements played a vital role in our run today, (Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ makes a great song choice, or anything by Will Smith).

You may find it awkward, you may look a bit silly, but you’ll have one heck of a great time doing it (even when it is pissing it down with rain), and trust me.. you’ll cheer everyone else up too!

(We’re hoping the German man who watched us skip into the distance will start giving us free white asparagus if we keep making his day).