Banana Avocado Smoothie

This is my favourite breakfast smoothie. Great sorce of vitamins, fats and fills you up, keeping you going until lunch time.  2 minute prep and we’re good to go!

(Wanna know more about bananas? click >> here << for more)

(Want more smoothies? How about a Banana and Raspberry or a Raspberry ‘colada’ ? )

Avocado Smoothie


Who would not want this?!


Ingredients (serves 1)


  • 1 Large frozen banana
  • 1/4 of an avocado (or more if you want to!)
  • 3/4 Cup of soy / almond / rice milk (you can do coconut milk but this will obviously up the fat content.. and the yummy content)


  • Vanilla essence (or pods if you can afford to be fancy)
  • Sprinking of Oats (RECOMMENDED!)



  1. Blend it all.

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