Iced Banana Coffee (Vegan)

ice banana coffee


After a week of 20 something degrees Celsius, the dream is over. It’s raining, not quiet pouring, and Sophie wishes that she was snoring.

Temperamental weather is not something I am impressed with. England is rainy, I get that, it rains, all the time. But trick me with a week of sun, and choruses of  ‘The summers here’, ‘Grab the sun cream’, ‘I’m wearing shorts!’ and ‘There is an alien invasion going on’, okay the last one is another story for another time, and then take it all away and leave me with the dreariness that is Potsdam today.

Enough of my complains, we have been very lucky to have the sun, and even luckier to have had a week of thee babies:

Iced Banana Coffee’s.


Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 1-2 Bananas (freezer for 30 minutes)
  • 1 of VERY  strong frozen coffee (using granules is fine)
  • 2-3 cup of Soy / Rice / Almond milk (Soy yoghurt too if you have some) Oooo and some coconut milk, I’m getting excited now.
  • Handfuls of ice (or more frozen banana, or other fruit, chunks!)


  1. 1-2 hours before, make 1/2 a cup of VERY  strong coffee, granules is fine, and put in the freezer (I use a wide/long dish to freeze it quicker, cause I am really impatient)
  2. Chop the banana into manageable chunks and freeze them for about 30 minutes
  3. Whack it all in a blender add all the vegan milk (add some soy yoghurt if you’ve got some!) and blllenndddddd
  4. Serve! And make the world jealous.



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