Make your own Muesli / Granola

I am a massive sucker for a granola parfait, however all the granola I see in the supermarkets seem to be laden with sugars fats and a massive unnecessary price tag! So, instead of paying a silly amount, make your own delicious breakfast / snack for half the price and much healthier!

Microwave Granola 003 300x300 3 Minute Microwave Granola

I have 3 ways of making granola. It’s all up to personal taste and how much time you have.

1. Microwave Muesli / Granola

  • Rolled oats
  • Oil (coconut, olive, almond, whatever you like!)
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon

Mix it all together and microwave for 1 minute. Stir, then another minute. Stir, then leave till cool / cooler / crispy. I serve with mixed summer berries and 0% yoghurt!


The other two methods are similar, but cooked differently.

  • Mix all the ingredients together, and lay out of a baking tray and bake till hot then leave to crisp
  • Fry all ingredients until baked and starting to smell, leave till crisp.


Add alldried fruit and nuts when granola has cooled.

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