Low (er) Calorie Truffels

Yum Yum in my Tum Tum!


I have just finished these Truffles for a surprise for my lovely boyfriend. The are lower in fat and calories than normal, but to be honest, they’re still pretty devilish!

My Recipie

  • 100g chocolate (I used one with hazelnuts in)
  • 50g extra light soft cheese
  • 70g icing sugar
  • Extra cocoa powder and iceing sugar for rolling (I also gave shaved coconut a go or an extra kick!) You can also roll in crushed nuts, chocolate flakes, melted chocolate and much more.


  1. Beat the soft cheese and icing sugar in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Melt the chocolate (remember, don’t place it directly into the saucepan, but melt in a water bath placed ABOVE a pan of boiling water).
  3. Blend the chocolate and icing sugar mixture together and if you want to add any liqueur or other flavouring, now is the time!
  4. Place the mixture in a small bowl and refrigerate for 45 minutes, or until the chocolate is stiff enough to work with, but not completely set. Bear in mind that with added flavourings it may need longer.
  5. Using a teaspoon, scoop out lumps of the mixture and roll into balls in your palms. I have put down 15 as a rough estimate but it could be anything between 10 and 20 depending on the size you prefer.
  6. Finally, roll in any coatings you want.


Finish off the truffles by presenting them nicely such as below..

  1. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/158604/cheaters-chocolate-truffles

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