Soup and an Egg


Poached egg on fried lettuce and couscous. What a mix and what a taste! One of my favourite dishes to date. The textures and tastes of all the foods combined is excellent. Another alternative to poached egg on toast too!


Out of food Soup



So I’m out of food again, and all of my last ingredients are pilled into this hearty soup.

This soup is basically a pot of all the food I have left in the fridge. The last Carrot, the las potato, last bit of lentils, the last bit of peas, last pepper, last of the kidney beans and well.. okay I still have onions. But still.


There is a bit of spice in this as I added a little hot sauce for a bit of a tang. It works well and I feel this soup may be a common occurrence when I am running out of veg!

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